Believe it or not, we are all into fashion in some way…
Think about it.
When you’re getting ready to have a night out on the town…
Or just going to the movies…
Or even going to the gym…
There is always some kind of an effort.
Even if it’s minimal.
What we pick and choose off the clothes racks reflects our sense of style–no matter where we are…
A thrift store…
Flea market…
Macy’s or Saks…
We choose what we wear.
And what we wear is a reflection of our personalities–at least that’s what I think.
Even if you can’t afford the “latest trend” by Chanel or Louis Vuitton…
You still try to look nice…
Or at least descent.
However, most of us just can’t afford to spend hundreds or thousands of dollars on big name clothes.
Personally, I think you can still look nice with the shirt and pants you got on sale…
And maybe those sale items are designer.
Yes, you can find some designer names at a discounted price…
And yes, it still might be expensive, but if you’re a “slave to fashion” then why not?

And they will pay the price for those big names…
Or the latest trend (big name or not).
And what complements a great outfit better than a killer pair of shoes?
Now, if you want to make a fashion statement, then you have to get a pair of these.

That’s right…
Muy caliente
These spicy shoes will dress up any outfit.
And if you really want to stick out in the crowd–then these are a “must- have.”
Currently, these are the hottest trend in Mexico.
Now, I haven’t seen any risk takers here in Colorado just yet…
But I heard there have been sightings in Texas.
“Where do I wear them?”
Well, these are clubbin’ shoes….

You can even put accessories on the ends of the
Yes, accessories like small crystal balls.
No joke.
And the beautiful, bright festive colors will surly brighten your day…
Except for mine of course.
Now, I’m not “knockin’ the boots” (so to speak)…
And I’m certainly not knockin’ the Mexican culture…
(Hello, my last name is Romo).
But, really?
Now, I’ve never been too much of a risk-taker when it comes to fashion…
And I do have some killer shoes…

Colored ones…
A few pair of pointy Steve Madden boots…
Patterns and all.
But, as for these…
Nah, I’m alright.
And I’m sure there are people out there who might love these boots…
And I’ll bet some of you who are reading this blog right now totally “dig” them…
And that’s ok.
You know, lately I’ve seen some really crazy fashion on the runways of
Paris and New York…
But this, takes the cake.
I’d love to hear your thoughts on this.
Please don’t hesitate to tell me what’s OnUrMind.
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