I remember having a typewriter when I was little…
It even had a button you could push to correct your mistakes.
And I’ll never forget the first time I saw a computer…
It was in kindergarten.
I was born in the ’80s…
So, I remember the computer screen being black, with bright green letters.
Well, back then it was–especially for a kid.
I bet it was tough to research then.
Look how far we’ve come…
Computers practically run the world.
And what if Google was never invented?
How different would our lives be if there was no such thing as technology?
I mean, with just a few keywords, you can find out about practically anything on the Internet.
And sometimes research just isn’t enough…
Need advice?
This is the place to go if you want other people’s opinions.
“Is my boyfriend cheating on me?”
“I have this weird rash, what do you think it is? Pictures attached.”
“Why won’t she leave me alone?”
“Honestly, am I ugly?”
You get the drift?
And as I was scrolling down all these random questions, something caught my eyes…
“I injected chocolate ice cream directly into my bloodstream to win a bet, what’s going to happen?”
Is this a joke?
This person even questioned if it was worth it or not…
Yes, this was really posted on Yahoo! Answers.
Then my wheels started turning…
“Hmmm,” I thought.
“If I found this stupid question, I bet I could find more.”
Let the digging begin.
And here are the results…
“Could I get in trouble for pooping my pants at work?”
Wow, what a question huh?
Well, this person got the advice they were looking for…
And it went something like this…
“Good thought-provoking question. Why don’t you do it, then let the rest of us know what happens? This really must be researched.”
I hope they feel better.
At this point, I’m thinking it just can’t get any better than this…
So I continued on reading question after question.
And my index finger was cramping from continuously rolling the wheel on my mouse downward…
I was just getting ready to call it quits…
Until I read this…
“Please, how much would it hurt to put a knife through your head?”
Is this for real?
Well, as I continued reading, I found out this person was depressed…
(You think)?
And I have all the empathy in the world…
But this was a stupid question.
Now, let’s switch gears a little bit and focus on health and beauty.
Read this…
“Is it safe to eat/inhale propane? My dad Hank says propane is part of a balanced breakfast and makes me eat it help.”
Now I’m sure this is just someone trying to be funny…
And most of the time, a stupid question will get a stupid answer.
All I can say is that some people did get creative with this one.
Next question.
“How do I give myself liposuction? I tried a turkey baster that I sharpened attached to a vacuum but it’s not sucking anything out. It just bleeds a lot.”
Can you believe that someone would actually do this?
Me neither.
And the brilliant advice is…
“I used the vacuum and it kind of worked, but I once had this thing for wine, I think it would like suck air out of the bottle, and it worked so well.”
Now, who in their right mind would even consider doing something like this?
Like I said before…
A stupid question will get a stupid answer.
And trust me, there’s a ton more…
And I would end up writing a book if I were to talk about each and every one of them.
So here’s the best of what I found…
(Drum roll please)
Now, if you don’t know what this is, then I suggest you follow the link.
And to name a few more…
And last but not least…
This now concludes my long list of shocking, stupid questions I found on Yahoo! Answers.
I’d love to hear your thoughts on this.
Please don’t hesitate to tell me what’s OnUrMind.
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